The Business School is a popular book written by Robert T. Kiyosaki. From this book the reader will get know all information of Multi-level marketing. He explains beautifully why Multi- level-marketing is important. Multi-level marketing is a marketing approach in which the sales strength is repaid not only for sales they produce, but also for the sales of the other salespersons that they hire. This hired sales force is mentioned as the participant’s “downline” and can offer multiple levels of return. MLM is also known as pyramid selling, network marketing and referral marketing. You will get to know the ebb and flows of MLM through this book. Moreover, the book gives a complete and innovative view points on the matter of network marketing and gives important lessons on running a successful network marketing chain. About the Author Robert Toru Kiyosaki is an famous American businessman, investor, self-help author, educator, motivational speaker, financial literacy activist, financial commentator and radio personality. Kiyosaki is the creator of the Rich Dad Company, which provides personal education and Business education through books, games, seminars, blogs, coaching and workshops. He is also the originator of the Cashflow board and software games to incorporate adults and children business and financial concepts.

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